Thursday, May 17, 2007

Newest issue of AntipodeanSF available

I just received the newest issue of the flash SF emag AntipodeanSF. Lots of good short stories here. Shaun Saunders has a selection this month as well. Shaun Saunders' story this month is set in his MallCity universe and is called Fabcola: Our needs our your needs. Most of the time when you read Shaun's Mallcity stories, your allowed to step back and reflect. Yes the claims are fantastic, but they are "in the future" no matter how possible they are. Only later do you find out that far from being in the future, most are just around the corner. With his newest, Fabcola is in your face and MallCity is an all too real possibility. Check out the newest offering from Saunders and others in this month Antipodean.

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